Det här är en varning! Om prat och vikt och viktnedgång är triggande för dig ska du gå härifrån nu och inte återkomma på några dagar! Jag har under hösten gått kursen “Kost vid graviditet och amning” och gjorde ett projektarbete om just detta. Utifrån vad jag lärde mig där har jag nu också gjort en serie inlägg. Jag har försökt att hålla det fakta- och vetenskapsbaserat och så lite hetsigt jag kan. Men det går naturligtvis inte att garantera att detta inte triggar någon. Därför vill jag uppmana dig att inte läsa om du kommer må dåligt av det.
Om du ändå kommer läsa hoppas jag att du kan läsa inläggen värderingsfritt. Jag struntar alltså högaktningsfullt om du går ner dina graviditetskilon eller inte. Jag vill inte bidra till en hets. Jag vill förmedla information. Men jag kan inte ta ansvar för hur detta kommer landa hos dig – och därför vill jag verkligen be dig att inte läsa här på en vecka, om du inte känner att det kommer bidra med något positivt för dig och din hälsa.
Referenser till seriens inlägg:
- A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial in Behavioral Weight Management for Underserved Postpartum African American Women: The RENEW Study.
- Association of fewer hours of sleep at 6 months postpartum with substantial weight retention at 1 year postpartum.
- Association of maternal short sleep duration with adiposity and cardiometabolic status at 3 years postpartum.
- Breast-feeding and postpartum weight retention: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Diet and exercise weight-loss trial in lactating overweight and obese women.
- Diet for a Healthy Lactating Woman.
- Diet or exercise, or both, for weight reduction in women after childbirth
- Dietary assessment among women with overweight and obesity in early postpartum.
- Effectiveness of a weight loss intervention in postpartum women: results from a randomized controlled trial in primary health care.
- Effectiveness of a weight loss intervention in postpartum women: results from a randomized controlled trial in primary health care.
- Effects of breastfeeding on weight loss and recovery of pregestational weight in adolescent and adult mothers.
- Energi och vikt vid graviditet och amning
- Estrogen Deficiency and the Origin of Obesity during Menopause.
- Evidence for a Complex Relationship Among Weight Retention, Cortisol and Breastfeeding in Postpartum Women.
- Exercise interventions for weight management during pregnancy and up to 1 year postpartum among normal weight, overweight and obese women: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Influence of Lactation on Body Weight Regulation.
- Inter-Pregnancy Weight Change and the Risk of Recurrent Pregnancy Complications.
- Low glycaemic index diet is effective in managing weight among obese postpartum women.
- Oxytocin and appetite.
- Post-partum weight change patterns in the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study.
- Predictors of postpartum weight change among overweight and obese women: results from the Active Mothers Postpartum study.
- Predictors of post-partum weight retention in a prospective longitudinal study.
- Reducing postpartum weight retention and improving breastfeeding outcomes in overweight women: a pilot randomised controlled trial.
- Reversible weight gain and prolactin levels–long-term follow-up in childhood.
- Role of exclusive breastfeeding in energy balance and weight loss during the first six months postpartum.
- Stress, visceral obesity, and metabolic complications.
- Sustainable weight loss among overweight and obese lactating women is achieved with an energy-reduced diet in line with dietary recommendations: results from the LEVA randomized controlled trial.
- Targeting the postpartum period to promote weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- The association between sleep duration and obesity in older adults.
- The Associations of Maternal Weight Change with Breastfeeding, Diet and Physical Activity During the Postpartum Period.
- The effectiveness of weight management interventions in breastfeeding women–a systematic review and critical evaluation.
- The impact of sleep, stress, and depression on postpartum weight retention: a systematic review.
- The relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum weight change–a systematic review and critical evaluation.
- Trial for Reducing Weight Retention in New Mums: a randomised controlled trial evaluating a low intensity, postpartum weight management programme.
- Weight loss after pregnancy: challenges and opportunities.
- Women’s challenges with postpartum weight loss.
- Women’s Perceived Reasons for Their Excessive Postpartum Weight Retention: A Qualitative Interview
- Women’s perceptions of discussions about gestational weight gain with health care providers during pregnancy and postpartum: a qualitative study.